Monday, September 26, 2011

"MY GOD IS" Concert

September 24, 2011

We had a wonderful time singing about Christ and ministering to the listeners who graciously attended this concert. Jen and Lexi worked so hard organizing everything... their labor was gratified by a superb evening as we all sang or played our hearts out. God gave us a beautiful evening and a fantastic spirit during the performance.

I didn't get the chance to take very many pictures and I missed the group shots that Jack took []. Head over to the his family blog for shots of the whole group (minus me) :).

Well, my computer is being dumb and won't let me upload edited versions of pictures, so that's it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Good Friend, Good Time

Emmy and I rode with my mom to take Mrs. Skow to the airport... on the way back we shopped, stopped for a bite to eat, munched on gummies, and laughed our silly heads off. :) What a fun day we had!